Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fearing the Powerful; Fear the Flirts

I burst out laughing when I saw this amusing article on flirts. It was from the Prestige Singapore Magazine July edition. The caption screams: Shear justice Flirts Punished. It talks about how Prince Fahd bin Badr, a governor in northern Saudi Arabia punished men to flirt with women in public.

Guess the punishment? You get a free hair shave. Isn't that just so fun! As for the women? You will be punished if you wear make up or if you are not dressed "properly". Such is the power of flirting. How he fears the instruments of the art too.

Count your lucky stars if you do not live in Saudi Arabia. Then don't waste your talent in flirting. We all have it. And don't let your instruments of the art get rusty too.

Go out and do your thing!

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

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