Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fearing the Powerful; Fear the Flirts

I burst out laughing when I saw this amusing article on flirts. It was from the Prestige Singapore Magazine July edition. The caption screams: Shear justice Flirts Punished. It talks about how Prince Fahd bin Badr, a governor in northern Saudi Arabia punished men to flirt with women in public.

Guess the punishment? You get a free hair shave. Isn't that just so fun! As for the women? You will be punished if you wear make up or if you are not dressed "properly". Such is the power of flirting. How he fears the instruments of the art too.

Count your lucky stars if you do not live in Saudi Arabia. Then don't waste your talent in flirting. We all have it. And don't let your instruments of the art get rusty too.

Go out and do your thing!

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Even Selling Ice Cream Requires Seduction

Magnum Commercial -

News Article on Eva Longoria's involvement with Magnum ice cream -,4139,170379,00.html

Needs more convincing to take up KSG Program? (You kidding me right?!)

Even ice cream needs seduction to boost up the bust size! (opps i mean sales volume).

You CANNOT afford not to embrace seduction skills and make it a part of you.

Those who master it (as you can see!) not only end up looking delicious, they also laugh their way to the bank as well. Wouldn't you love that?

I adore Eva. She is just plain hot! Period! When you look at her commercial on Youtube, take a quick glance at the comments by viewers. You'll get the drift...

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

KSG Role Model #1- Evita Peron (Maria Eva Duarte)

"I am my own woman."
- Evita Peron

~~~~~~~~~~ SensUal Joy ~~~~~~~~~~

Born out of wedlock, Eva Peron was nevertheless worshiped by all Argentina people in her time. They even tried to resurrect her after her death as a saint. Such were the depth of their devotion!

Evita has a fragile appearance, yet she win hearts with her mysterious aura. She was well known for her dress style and clearly a master in creating alluring illusions.

She was an unpredictable woman keeping everyone on their toes and yet she also knows when to pull back before she ventured too far off.

  • How attractive is your dress style?
  • Do you know how to play the "unpredictable" game?
  • What precious lessons can you take from Evita?
Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

What Kind of A Kick Ass Girl (KSG) Are You?

"Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away."
- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
American Educator and Writer.

Isn't it so wonderful that we are all very different individuals with unique gifts and strengths?

  • If you want to attract the man of your choice, shouldn't you first know thy sensUal self?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What is your kind ass girl (KSG) personality type?

No idea?

Then how are you gonna kick any cute tight buns out there my sexy goddess?

Here a clue to which KSG you might be:

Trust me on this, all men dream to have a goddess of their own. To worship and to love. Are you goddess styled?


They say that behind every great man a woman stands. Are you the sort of woman who will stand patiently behind your man?


Pretty woman, walking now the street. Every men STARES. Is that you?


Men loves a competitive woman because they tend to be low maintenance and they find their independence sexy. Can you see yourself as one?


According to Lawana Blackwell, for all the men's strength, they are sometimes like little children. Do you have an absolute passion to pamper and go all motherly on your man?

You might be able to see yourself in more than one of the categories. That is normal.

What you are looking for is the DOMINANT and then a SUB DOMINANT categories that you belong to. And only then can the real work begin.

Stay tuned for a complimentary and more comprehensive KSG Assessment Quiz.

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!


The Siren Song

I remember a time not too long ago when I would give the term "siren" a bad connotation. Thank God time and education has reversed it all for me. Now I am starting to appreciate the word, its history and what a privilege indeed if someone calls you a siren!

This of which I am certain that Mr Odysseus would have agreed after his enchanting encounter with the mythical Sirens of the sea.

To me, being a siren in modern day equates to being an attractive lady with a charming personality surrounded by a most mysterious and alluring aura.

Aura of such nature will have to come from within, a love for yourself that oozes out in an irresistible manner. We all have that precious quality within us. And I hope with all my heart you are hard at work honing it! :)

It has been said the a "siren song" is extremely tempting. However bad things will occur if you succumb to the temptation. Well, I like to think that if we are the siren giving out the siren song and we have good intentions, bad things does not necessary have to be the end result.

Whatever the case is, first things first,

  1. Look into the mirror.
  2. Take a good long look at yourself and say,
" From this moment on, I am a wonderful siren with a beautiful siren song to offer to the the man of my choice."

Say it with conviction.

And now?

Get down to work!

If you need a gentler approach, Way Back Into Love (WBIL) is strongly recommended!
Click here: Way Back Into Love (WBIL)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who Says You Need To Be Thin To Be Sexy?

Natasha Bedingfield, America's latest sweetheart just proved that you don't have to be of a standard size in order to be or to feel beautiful. Being sexy and feeling good about yourself begins first in your mind.

Seduce yourself first if you want to seduce the rest of the world. If you need to change your self belief, DO IT! If you need help, FIND IT!

First believe with every bit of your being and only then can your seduction magic become reality. Seduction has always been a way of life since the beginning of time. Eve has shown us our natural birthright since she seduced Adam with that delicious apple.

If you think of seduction as a dirty word and a horrible form of manipulation, I suggest you stop reading now. Because you have already deliberately closed the door to what could have been a meaningful way to enhance the quality of your life simply because you are a woman and you are well-informed.

However, Rome was not built overnight. Either can your inner seductress be lured out until you have decide to roll up your sleeves, show a little skin and get down to sexy work on yourself.

If you think that online coaching is a possible way to gently lure the sensUal kitten out, click here: Way Back Into Love

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Exotic Dancers Excel More Than The Obvious

"Dancing in topless clubs helps women become poised, self-confident and creative individuals who often go on to higher education and successful business careers."
- Judith Lynne Hanna
(PhD, a senior research scholar at the University of Maryland)

I came across this very interesting article when I was researching for KSG. I completely agree with what Ms Hanna has commented. We lived in a world where we often never questioned the general "truths".

One very convenient assumption we have is that strippers are good for nothings. They are always up to no good. And everything else along those lines. I may not know a lot of strippers but I have heard so many stories of "strippers made good."

You will be surprised at how focused some strippers can be. They are clear of their objectives and motives for being a stripper and they accomplished their goals with astonishing results without harming or hurting anyone. They could possibly be some of the smartest people you will ever come across.

Being a stripper requires you to be smart, ability to think on your feet, confident of your body and being a great conversationalist among many other things.

Aren't these some of the admirable character traits that some of us struggle with?

You don't need to go to the extreme of being a stripper to work on your confidence, learn to love your body or wow the opposite sex with your personality and conversational skills. KSG gives you the opportunity to achieve all these and more.

The question is not how, the question is your commitment and when.

Time and tide waits for no man (or woman).

There is no such thing as an unattractive woman, there are only lazy women. And I hope, I am not talking to one of them.