Sunday, August 24, 2008

Let Your Body Talk

Below is a simple and wonderful video to give you effective tips on flirting

Special thanks to

So you think that it is not necessary to learn body language skills?

Just honesty and leading a diligent life is good enough.

I feel sorry for you if this is really how you feel. You don't need to exaggerate to become sluttish and be of bad taste.

But what you can do is to develop a better understanding of how your body works and how people tends to interpret based on your behavior.

Whether you like it or not, your body is gonna talk anyway. It's instinctive. The million dollar question is whether it speaks FOR you or AGAINST you.

You have a body and there is no changing of that fact. So long as you possess a physical body, I guarantee you it is going to talk to everyone you come in contact with.

So, decide if your body is gonna be your friend or your foe.

Work it baby and leave a favorable impression in his mind

Otherwise, oh well, good luck to your honest and diligent life.

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jennifer Love Hewitt: I Wish I Stayed Nude From Age 12-28,2933,407302,00.html

Is that hot or what!!

Ladies, whatever you do, don't share this regret with Jennifer!

This is sobering advise to you sweet young things.

A classic case of "Been there, wish I haven't done that though!"

Flaunt it
when you've got it.

Seriously! No one's gonna complain. Surely not the boys!

The female form is one of the most revered form EVER.

And guess what?

You've got one of it!
And if you aren't that young and tender any more, hell, so what?!

It's all begins and ends in the mind my sweet.

Don't throw it all away when you are still breathing.

Believe and ACT!

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

So You Think Flirting is a Bad Bad Thing?




What if he thinks I'm easy?

Would that make me a loose woman?

Good heavens, of course not!

Banish those old fashioned and ridiculous thoughts this very second!

Just because you are flirting does not make you an indecent woman.

So long as you possess the skills you were meant to have, you will naturally have the power to adjust your KSG (Kick Ass Girl) voltage accordingly.


If you can't even call these skills your own, what good is it to worry yourself silly about what you don't have?

I know you might be thinking, I don't want him to think I'm hard up for men or worse, that I'm desperate.

That's not true. The trick is in HOW you do your KSG magic. The confidence you exude and along with it, that self love that you possess. It is an extremely attractive trait for a woman to have.

The man that you will want to be with is the one who can appreciate you being the woman who is not super needy and who can be a valuable contributor to the potential budding romance the two of you can enjoy.

Like what they say about sex, don't lie there like a dead fish. The same goes for flirting, romance and the whole works. Don't make the man do ALL the work!

Start battling those long eyelashes and get down to sexy work. Otherwise, you are really the bad sad thing!!!

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

A KSG Self Affirmation

It took me many painful years to accept myself as a KSG. Yes, I know it sounds rather pathetic and unbelievable. But it's true.

No doubt that it is the opposite of the more common lamentations of "I'm Not Good Enough." However, let me assure you that as shocking as it might seem, I have plenty of company on this side of my pasture.

My KSG journey began in my teenage years. Young, naive and full of insecurities about myself. I began to notice stares. Particularly from the opposite sex. I couldn't understand and there was no one available to shed light to my confusion.

You might doubt it but I had serious self esteem issues as a young girl. It was not entirely a picture perfect kind of family I had. Well, let's just say every family has its own dirty laundry. It made me grow up all closed up.

I recall my deep annoyance and anger every time I got these lingering glances from strange men. My then boyfriend always laughed whenever I say I would relish digging out those lusty eyeballs with a spoon. Yes, that was the extent of my anguish.

Years of modeling and dancing has thankfully returned me my self confidence. And equally important, the acceptance that these stares will be here to stay. And I began to enjoy that power I possessed. From being a woman. And being a confidence woman.

It is intoxicating. Like an extremely potent secret. You learn to ignore it when it served no useful purpose. Use it to your advantage when it's required to achieve a certain outcome. And to be discerning enough to know when to tune it down and when to go town with it.

Only after I have learnt to manage my KSG destiny, did I had the right frame of mind to look around and realise that many women out there would give an arm to have my sort of challenges! With a gift comes responsibility.

So now, I have a fervent wish to develop programs that can help women out there to enjoy the sort of challenges that tortured the 17 years old me! :)

Life was never meant to be challenge free,
and I wouldn't want that for you.
but i wish for life to bring to you the kind of challenges,
that will lift you up rather than bring you down.

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!