Sunday, August 3, 2008

So You Think Flirting is a Bad Bad Thing?




What if he thinks I'm easy?

Would that make me a loose woman?

Good heavens, of course not!

Banish those old fashioned and ridiculous thoughts this very second!

Just because you are flirting does not make you an indecent woman.

So long as you possess the skills you were meant to have, you will naturally have the power to adjust your KSG (Kick Ass Girl) voltage accordingly.


If you can't even call these skills your own, what good is it to worry yourself silly about what you don't have?

I know you might be thinking, I don't want him to think I'm hard up for men or worse, that I'm desperate.

That's not true. The trick is in HOW you do your KSG magic. The confidence you exude and along with it, that self love that you possess. It is an extremely attractive trait for a woman to have.

The man that you will want to be with is the one who can appreciate you being the woman who is not super needy and who can be a valuable contributor to the potential budding romance the two of you can enjoy.

Like what they say about sex, don't lie there like a dead fish. The same goes for flirting, romance and the whole works. Don't make the man do ALL the work!

Start battling those long eyelashes and get down to sexy work. Otherwise, you are really the bad sad thing!!!

Meanwhile, do check out Way Back Into Love (WBIL) if you want to enjoy a Happier, Healthier and more SensUal way of life!

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